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Deleted 86 days ago

what the hell is this


haha nice try i aint clicking it you hacker that steal personal information


how to get debug in 1.3

By pressing: 🔼🔼,🔽🔽,⬅️➡️,⬅️➡️, B A

isnt that from cook burgers on roblox


no its the konami code

Deleted 121 days ago
Deleted 114 days ago

could we possibly have it

we aren't allowed to share it outside the server sorry


1.7.1 is a alpha build, the latest (public) build is 1.7 v12, you can get it in the rcm discord (

what channel is it in?


And I also found a bug:After I unlocked Neil mode, I got to the second stage, but in the first stage I used ue to adjust Neil and the player's health, and in the second stage I modified Neil's health and the player's health. However, I found that those stems will not refresh... Even if I have been re-forwarding also useless, I do not know the reason why stems disappeared and not refreshed is not ue, but I hope you can check this is not a mistake...


Can you release a 2.0.7 cheater?


I have a 2.0.7 version of the UE, but there are some endings that I can 't implement with the UE.

invincibility didn't work in Neil's boss fight unless I had to click the button again after hitting him with the first banana. Did I?



how do I get to the menu and unlock my mouse tab doesnt do it


THE GAME TAKES FOREVER TO LOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

this is a problem with og raldi aswell, it is fixed in 1.7 v12 and in 1.8 but they can't make your pc better


you should add some of the old mod modes

Deleted 135 days ago
Deleted 209 days ago

Neil's bossfight doesnt work

you aren't meant to share this, the owner said you can't, delete this.

Deleted 161 days ago

Why wont neil's health bar appear?

Delete killdare bossfight finally


do you have a skill issue or what

(1 edit) (-1)

shut up  idiot everyone is trying



I think he replied to the wrong person


Yes, i have skill issue

watch a youtube guide or keep trying

it is removed in 1.8, they are changing it to a different more difficult bossfight lmao gl nerd

(1 edit)

I'm just hoping it's either Asgore or Sans

then how do we get the debug mode?


dw the killdare bossfight is removed in 1.8


Can someone make a raldis crackhouse android port

Actually theres only one way


oh wait someone  made a raldis crackhouse android port



Deleted 234 days ago
Deleted 234 days ago

who came in qzeq video cuz i did lol


sound is a very stinky and i will kill >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( 


your weak lol

looks like someone doesn't know what a joke is


I already know bruh


i'm gonna be honest, to all of you people who cant beat killdare, you are just trash at the game. i litterally beat him first try and im not even good at those types of games. stop saying it's hard, you just suck.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, Undertale fan here! I did the killdare fight in just 2-3 attempts.
it's not that hard actually.
one time I tried fighting killdare again, I almost died but still beated killdare.
Impressive is it?

(3 edits)

👍Agreed. And the fight is not impossible. I just beat the killdare fight in my 2nd attempt.

edit: That fight is not too hard. It's so easy!

shut the hell up bozo these people are trying their best


boomer detected

''BoOmEr DeTeCtEd''

kid detected

(2 edits)

bozo + 2 months ago you said (''i CaNt TrUsT ThAt Its is ACtUally a virus

what is boomer


A "boomer" is a slang for people who have lived long. Until their 40-50 years.

Deleted 166 days ago

Daublx, That's like saying that not beating Sans on the first try is a Skill Issue

(1 edit)

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu- fun! fun its fun to play a game when it dosent work 

got it 100% y'all don't got it? XD

bruh u dont need to flex

imagine 100% the game but unable to do lap 4 in v1.6 legitimately


where 2.0+ version? I want to use it in atlas mode

Deleted 162 days ago
(1 edit)

again, you aren't allowed to share this, delete this bro-

Deleted 108 days ago

how to open the mod menu


how do i do lap maker


dude find on google type mp3 download grap the link of up top copy it

and go the td go down find yellow 9 go lapping moments right click press download that it that it of all see that easy

i mean thetd

Whats the Code to use

konami code



Deleted 162 days ago

then how do i get the code for the mod menu?

you put in arrow keys up up down down left right left right B A, bassically the konami code


on the title screen

oh thx

it wont work for me


sorry bro but I can't trust that
Is it actually a virus

(1 edit) (+1)

no its not


yes it is a virus my pc explod and it killed my cat


oeh em gees i em so sorry, rest in piece your cat, i hope you have good dreams.


Me spreading misinformation online:

damn bro killdare is literally cheating

he uses a fucking black object


Deleted 158 days ago

i'll share it

the creator of the game (sound) and gunnable have said to not share it outside the server, doing so would break the owners wishes

my guy,i was joking

share it to me

please share it to me 

(4 edits)

In 1.7.1, you had to beat killdare, what did you think about that fight? Was it hard, was it easy? Reply here.

Its hard


Easy, Beated killdare in just 3-2 attempts I think, how did I do that? well...
Maybe you should start playing undertale.


really easy for anyone who has beat the corrupted player in normal r a l d (I did it first try)


i need to play undertale and do a genocide route to even beat killdare bro💀

hard cuz i dont use arrow keys i use wasd


Sad news raldi crackhouse is cancelled cuz the owner says the N-word

(3 edits)

thats not the only thing. he also made nsfw jokes around minors and other things, and no he did not have cp. update he obbsessed over minors, sent Corn gifs and again, N word slurs. he was 12 at the time and now 14. i believe that, he has learned from his mistakes, and raldi's crackhouse isnt cancelled, the cancellation message I believe was removed on the gamejolt for the mod. but its most probably cancelled still.

dang, I have little knowledge about this, but I've seen a document saying that Cuzsie DID NOT change.

well damn, also pretty sure cuzsie died

When is v1.8 coming?



there is no 1.8, only a 2.0 mod menu or a updated version of 1.7

this is aging very well so far

in 5+ months so wait 

I want it was added on macOs Big Sur

in version 1.7.1

i pressed esc and in the pause menu i pressed tab and nothing happened

In 1.7.1, if you press the ??? button, you will have to do a bossfight. Then, when you have beat the bossfight, you will need a pass code for a door. You will find the pass code in the door on the left door, then, you will have to go into the computer and you will find the pass code. When you have gotten through the pass code door, some one will appear and talk, when it's done talking, the game will crash, the you re-open it, then select your save file you used when you was doing that boss fight, the you unlock debug mode!

(1 edit)

Its sucks cuz im noob

:( i have Skill Issue In raldi


(1 edit)

Its sucks Super SUCKS

(1 edit)

I cant activate the neil bossfight since theres no exits and its also automatically doing every book for me as soon as i click a book, any fix?

Deleted 296 days ago

sounds like a skill issue


That just explains how fucking bad you are dude. I beat him 6 times 🤡🤡🤡🤡

Why is there 16 notebooks in 1.5 and 1.6?

idk prob just a bit of a challenge


nah, its part of normal raldi 1.5 and 1.6, not modded.


the old update like 1.0-1.7 i think in orginal raldis crackhouse was 16 notebooks but it change to 10 for now


It was so easy to beat killdare! No, it was not! Yes, it was!




Killdare is so ez lol!


Yes, yes! It was!


😭😭😭no it wasnt

(3 edits) (+1)(-1)

try online save editor to unlock mod menu Theres a tut.:

Save editor

Raldi file in %appdata% Search bar in official searcher windows 8-11. Then open folder 'roaming' then raldisaves like that: (look at up. Btw bug).

After opening a raldisaves you can see a 0.raldi 1.raldi 2.raldi like that:

(Hint: start the game and create a save before looking at file (if you dont see or not created the 0.raldi 1.raldi 2.raldi and raldisaves)

(Hint 2: if you have a 1 raldi file, this not a huge problem. More easy move it.)

Move it in any folder (not system31, system32 and not windows and other windows files)

(and hint: appdata is hided. You can open with a search bar)

now open the save save editor and click 'upload' like that:

(upload button) (color: green)

And found 0.raldi or 1.raldi or 2.raldi file and upload it.

And after uploading  edit this files: (To 1) (1 = true) (0 = false)

The files

The files of raldi.

(Huge hint: you need move it back in appdata.)

After this get in raldi crackhouse.

After this upload your last save (edited in save editor) file.

and enjoy! (if mod menu not work this not my problem, l tried..)

(Huge time spend, huge speed is spended.)

Bye! Enjoy the game!

(all game's save data in appdata folder.)

(you can edit any save app in this save editor! like a orion, raldi (l said it) and more!)

So enjoy the really great cool, good and pretty preety gami!!!


Problem Fix:

1. My game is in end! why l am in end?

(if you ended the game you can stuck in end for forever.)

Solve: Reset the saves (not all) and edit it again.

2. My game is laging! Why is laging?

Solve: Buy a better pc.

3. Why theres no end?

Solve: you entered a wrong number in editor.

4. Can you make video about a hacking killdare?

Answer: No.

5. Can l change a game to full game like unity games in 2043?

Solve Answer: Huh? (You can, but you need unity +You need ask a devs to edit it +You need visual studio.

6. Mod menu is not on.

Solve: Wrong number, anti hack or the wrong save.

End the solves. If game is bugged, report bugs to devs.

I am not a dev.

Enjoy again!


no its not😭😭😭😭


bsoda challenge is funny i in the bathroom and baldi go from 🏃‍♂️to sonic speed



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